Banned Weapons
If a weapon is listed as banned, you may not use it.
Restriction Key
- Weapon is unrestricted.
- Weapon is restricted to certain players.
- This weapon is banned.
Civilian Weapons
Below is a list of all weapons on the Civilian Team within ER:LC, and their subsequent restrictions within our community.
Beretta M9 |
Remington MSR | | This weapon is restricted to boosters and Verified Active Players only.
AK47 |
Colt M1911 |
LMT L129A1 |
TEC-9 |
Skorpion | | This weapon is restricted to boosters and Verified Active Players only.
M249 | | Banned.
M14 |
PPSH 41 |
Kriss Vector |
Desert Eagle |
Remington 870 | | This weapon is restricted to boosters and Verified Active Players only.
Lemot Revolver |
Colt Python |
Ammo Box |
Law Enforcement Weapons
These are all of the LEO Weapons within ER:LC, and their subsequent restrictions within our community. All weapons are restricted to department members, as our Departments are whitelisted.
Shield 9 |
Fabarm FP6 |
Glock 17 |
M4A1 |
MP5 | | This weapon is restricted to boosters and Verified Active Players only.
FN Five-seven |
Sauer P226 |
Type 89 | | Banned.
SPAS 12 | | This weapon is restricted to boosters and Verified Active Players only.
G36C | | This weapon is restricted to SWAT Members
Orsis T 5000 | | This weapon is restricted to SWAT Members who are boosters.
Model 29 | | Banned.
If you have any inquiries about allowed weapons, please open a ticket.