3.1: Nicknames

  • Your Discord Nickname must be set identically to your Roblox Username

3.2: Pinging

  • Pinging the below groups is strictly prohibited.

  • Directorial Team

  • PRC Officials

  • Contributors

  • Master Class Owners

3.3: NSFW

  • Sending inappropriate images, messages, or any form of NSFW content is strictly prohibited within our community, and is a bannable offence with no warnings.

3.4: Alternative Accounts

  • Alternative Accounts are strictly prohibited unless explicit permission is provided by a Directorial Board member. Using an Alternative Account to avert a ban is prohibited.

3.5: Advertising

  • Unless you are a Department Head/Supervisor advertising your department, advertising is prohibited within our community.

3.6: Terms of Service

  • We are expected by Discord, Roblox, and PRC to enforce their Terms of Service at all times.

3.7: Disrespect/Extreme Profanity

  • You are not permitted under any circumstances to disrespect Members and Staff. This includes usage of the F-Bomb.

3.8: Arguing

  • No arguments must occur within Maple Ontario RP, any arguments that aren’t obvious jokes, will result in an immediate timeout.

3.9: Brain Rot

  • No Brain Rot is permitted on the server. This includes: gyatt, skibidi, sigma, alpha, etc.

3.10: Using Channels for Intended Use

  • You may not send links, multiple memes or images inside General Chat. You may not chat inside (Media Channel). Moderation will be a staff warning to staff and points for members.

3.11 Politics & Political Content

  • Maple Ontario Roleplay does not endorse nor allow promotions for any form of politics inside our community. This does not include our “Canadian Government Roleplay Department”. Politics can be a sensitive and touchy subject therefore MORP will not participate inside it. This includes but not limited to: Talking about a political party or member inside VC or Chat, using political memes, engaging in a political roblox username or discord usernames.